Effect of Laser Surface Modification on the Corrosion Resistance of Dental Alloys in Artificial Saliva Containing Alcoholic Beverages

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Ali H. Ataiwi
Rana A. Majed
Ali A. Muhsin


The objective of this study is to demonstrate the corrosion behavior of dental alloys Co-Cr-Mo, Ni-Cr-Mo and Ti-Al-V in artificial saliva at pH=4 and 37oC enriched with ethyl alcohol at 8% percentage. The linear and cyclic polarizations were investigated by electrochemical measurements. Laser surface modification was achieved for the three dental alloys to improve corrosion resistance. The results show that corrosion resistance of Co-Cr-Mo and Ni-Cr-Mo alloys only were increased after laser treatment due to the fact that laser radiation has caused a smoother surface, in addition to the decrement in corrosion current densities (icorr) for Co-Cr-Mo and Ni-Cr-Mo alloys and the reverse scan in cyclic polarization became in the wider range of potentials compared with the reverse scan for untreated dental alloys, in addition to the obtainment of smaller hysteresis loop for Ti-Al-V alloy.

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How to Cite

A. H. Ataiwi, R. A. Majed, and A. A. Muhsin, “Effect of Laser Surface Modification on the Corrosion Resistance of Dental Alloys in Artificial Saliva Containing Alcoholic Beverages”, IJL, vol. 12, no. A, pp. 43–52, Feb. 2019, doi: 10.31900/ijl.v12iA.84.

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