Editorial Team
Prof. Dr. Abdulhadi Al-Janabi
Institute of Laser for Postgraduate Studies, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Managing Editor:
ِAsst. Prof. Dr. Sarah Kadhim Al-Hayali
Institute of Laser for Postgraduate Studies, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Editorial board members
Prof. Dr.Hussein Ali Jawad
Institute of Laser for Postgraduate Studies, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Prof. Dr. Raad Sami Fyath
College of Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Iraq
Prof. Dr. Osamah Fadhil Abdulateef
Al-Khwarizmi Engineering College , University of Baghdad, Iraq
Prof. Dr. Hussain F. Al-Huwaizi
College of dentistry, university of Baghdad, Iraq
Prof. Dr. Alan Mickelson
University of Colorado, United States
Prof. Dr. Stefano Selleri
University of Parma, Italy
Prof. Dr. Sulaiman Wadi Harun
University of Malaya, Malaysia
Prof. Dr. R. P. Sharma
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Prof. Dr. Lazo M. Manojlovic
Technical College of Applied Sciences in Zrenjanin
Prof. Dr. Saleh Thaker Mahmoud
United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Asst. Prof. Dr. Shelan Kh. Tawfeeq
Institute of Laser for Postgraduate Studies, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Asst. Prof. Dr. Basima Mohammed Ali Hussein
Institute of Laser for Postgraduate Studies, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Asst. Prof. Dr. Najah Kadhum Mohammad
College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq