Generation of Weak Coherent Pulses for Quantum Cryptography Systems

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Fuad A. Yassien
Shelan K. Tawfeeq
Ahmed I. Khalil
Farah R. Aziz


This work is a trial to ensure the absolute security in any quantum cryptography (QC) protocol via building an effective hardware for satisfying the single-photon must requirement by controlling the value of mean photon number. This was approximately achieved by building a driving circuit that provide very short pulses (≈ 10 ns) for laser diode -LD- with output power of (0.7-0.99mW) using the available electronic components in local markets. These short pulses enable getting faint laser pulses that were further attenuated to reach mean photon number equal to 0.08 or less.

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How to Cite

F. A. Yassien, S. K. Tawfeeq, A. I. Khalil, and F. R. Aziz, “Generation of Weak Coherent Pulses for Quantum Cryptography Systems”, IJL, vol. 9, no. A, pp. 1–8, Jun. 2010, doi: 10.31900/ijl.v9iA.114.